Skip, Greg Spath, Jim Gable, and Susan Moury were able to get a ride in on friday before Matthew Houseknecht, and myself were able to make it up to the camp site. Their report had me excited to ride the next day. That night, as we sat around the campfire laughing and listening to music, we planned to get up by 7 AM and ride by 9 AM.
Bright and early the YAMBA crew rolled out of their tents thanks to the "racoon" that set off one of YAMBA's car alarms. Skips dad took over grill duty and Greg cooked up the eggs for a hearty pre-ride breakfast. There was one of us though that was feeling a little under the weather and couldn't eat, he shall remained unnamed.
We only missed our target ride time by 15 minutes and head out for the trail head. Everybody had a great time, evidenced by the giggling, laughing, whooping, and hollering as we head downhill hitting the rollers and berms.
to be cont.
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